People Praise call center management software solution




Meaningful data at your fingertips

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Real-time Performance Monitoring

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Agent self improvement

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Enhanced Reporting & Stats

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Gamification using KPI's
& soft skills

The Ultimate Call-Center Management Tool

Get the pulse of your organization by analyzing and tracking key points throughout your operation in real-time. Increase operator awareness of issues as they arise which improves overall quality of your services and morale. Perfectly integrated with Startel’s management tool with simplified and enhanced reporting features, not readily available.


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One stop visual depiction of any agent or team’s performance. Dig into stats for more granular data, perfect for analyzing areas for growth and improvement

Customer Avail. Detail shows performance for the last month, 60 days or last 12 months. This telling availability graph will help members become aware of their performance, allowing them to self correct if necessary.

A valuable tool for managers or supervisors. A picture is worth a thousand words, and this report clearly depicts members who are exceeding standards and those who may need more coaching. Pie chart shows overall availability for the teams.

View quality scores graph for the last month, 60 days or 1 year.

View quality scores graph for the last month, 60 days or 1 year.

View quality scores graph for the last month, 60 days or 1 year.

Clicking the bar of a specific quality score metric brings a pop up into view. This shows the history of this specific score. At a glance you can view the improvement or decline of this quality score factor.


The timeline allows team members to easily communicate announcements, achievements or events with your team.

Members can send thank you notes, compliment each other, or with the correct permissions level, send out announcements/achievements, with full featured rich text editors to personalize the message. Add images, format fonts etc.


Access all team members in one convenient location. Team members can update their profiles which are customizable (fonts, colors etc.) to suite each person’s individual style. This area allows for collaboration across team members and is especially useful in operational environments like data centers or call centers where members often have little time to interact with each other.

Each user has a profile where they can share some info about themselves to their colleagues. This allows for an easy way for team members to get to know each other in a busy call center environment. Skills, awards and years active are displayed along with a profile picture.

Controlled Communication

A built-in, fully encrypted internal messaging system with greater control than traditional email. A rich text editor allows for text formatting and image uploads. Send messages teams or individuals. Priority receipt confirmation and replies to messages. Priority receipt options are available to ensure timely and accountable delivery.

Users have the option to mail groups or individuals, set priority (must acknowledge) messages and tag them as well. Additionally, users with proper permissions levels will have access to a rich text editor - perfect for formatting important aspects of a message.

The ability to favorite or archive messages help achieve added organization of your workflow. If the sender allowed replies, you can reply directly from the message in an easy chat-bubble like appearance.


Track attendance for each member. Tabs categorize several kinds of attendance issues. BPNC – Break point non-compliance, tardy, general absences and more. Also view reports to see the attendance stats for all members.


Track and evaluate all events and incidents. This feature is a great way to quickly assess the problem areas of your organisation. Repeat problems with client accounts or individual members who might need more training. All just a few clicks away.

Search and display a list of events, filtered by client and/or date range. Event description shows a quick categorization of the type of event. Select to either delete event or view detail on selected event.

View all details about a specific event. Attached video, audio or image snapshots will also be visible here.

In the standard reporting tab, generate a report filtered by client/employee summary combinations. Event count displays the total events for that specific employee or client account. This is an excellent way to visually inspect and see where your greatest problem areas are.

Call Quality Assessment

A convenient one-click scoring system with standard and custom reporting options available. You can use base ATSI criteria or build your own customized evaluation system.

Search and display a list of scores, filtered by employee and/or date range. Score shows the quality score for a particular employee on a specific date. Drill down and the see score breakdown for each line item as well.

View all event details, including score breakdown and evalution notes.

In the standard reporting tab, generate a report filtered by client/employee summary combinations. Average count displays the average for that client summary or employee. This is an excellent way to see at a glance where your greatest problem areas are.